December 2023
Dear Ellerslie and Harris County Citizens,
The Ellerslie Depot LLC, Board of Directors, are soliciting your assistance to maintain our historic Ellerslie Depot. The Ellerslie Depot building was constructed in 1891and has a long history of serving the community. The Depot is currently being used as an event venue for social gatherings. The Depot is supported by monies received from renting the facility for various events. The cost for renting the Depot is $125.00 per day and there is also a $50.00 refundable deposit. The Board of Directors use the rental funds to maintain the upkeep and monthly expenses.
Maintaining the Depot has become extremely expensive due to wear and tear of an aging building. Although the BOD utilizes the rental funds towards upkeep and repairs the cost has exceeded our ability to complete the larger repairs. However, the repairs currently needed consist of the interior flooring and outside top deck and back handicap ramp boards. We have sought professional estimates, and all have said that all flooring on the inside is non-repairable. With the outside deck boards now lifting and warping becoming a health hazard to renters. These repairs are needed for safety reasons and to maintain the historical look of the building as well continuing to be a valuable event venue for our local community.
In closing, the estimates for the inside flooring range from $15,335.00 to 19,750.00. The outside top deck board replacement is $6,500.00 to 15,000.00. Understanding that our estimates may increase if further damage is discovered while conducting the repairs/replacement of the subfloor. Copies of the estimates can be made available upon request. The Depot Board of Directors are seeking donations to help with these replacement costs and any amount is appreciated.
Please make checks payable to and send to:
The Ellerslie Depot L.L.C.
PO Box 12, Ellerslie, GA 31807
For further information please contact: Ms. Rosie Richards (706) 575-6448
Ms. Peggy Barkey (706) 366-4255
Ms. Becky Preskitt (706) 575-1592
Respectfully submitted,
The Board of Directors for the Ellerslie Depot LLC

Ellerslie Depot
(painting by Pat Christian)